For those who know me, I love history. I enjoy every aspect of history, especially those that make you uncomfortable. That said, another reason I love history is the lessons we learn and how not to repeat them. Unfortunately, over the last four or more years, we have seen the liberals in America attempt to whitewash and erase history. Why? Because they couldn't handle any negativity that would bruise their precious and fragile feelings and egos.
That said, I wrote an article titled "Why I own a Nazi gun." That is not this article. But those who read the previous article understand the importance I find in preserving WWII (or any) history, especially those about the Holocaust and the atrocities of the Nazis. My friends and followers understand that I don't own a Nazi gun because I want to but because, as an Orthodox Jew, I have to. As my Rabbi once told me: "Sometimes you must pick up your enemy's sword and use it against them." That is something I hold dear as a Jew and a Second Amendment advocate.
Enter my friend Denise and the folks at Pioneer Arms LLC in Massachusetts. I got a call from Denise on Chanukkah with a crazy gift idea. She said Pioneer Arms LLC just acquired a Mauser K98. I replied that it was cool. Then she surprised me and said, I got permission to send it to you as a gift. Oh, did I mention it still has the Nazi stamp on it?"
Now, understand my brain froze because she said she was sending it to me as a gift. My first thought was, what's the catch? Nothing, she replied. I can't afford it! "It's a gift," she replied. And just like that, it was in the mail.
I asked Denise why she would do this for me and why the owner, Nate, of Pioneer Arms LLC would gift me such a mind-blowing present. She stated that of everyone she knows, she understands what a gun like that would mean to someone like me. Someone who is trying to preserve our history and refuse to let it be erased. Also, the story of Chanukkah is one of Jewish warriors fighting against tyranny. At one point, in the early stages of the Maccabean revolt, Judah killed a general and then proceeded to use the general's sword for the remainder of the war until he was ultimately killed.
What a Chanukkah gift! Your enemy's weapon. I feel it is indeed the ultimate present, especially for a Jew who celebrates a holiday devoted to Jews fighting back.
As I write this blog, I feel a special love for those who understand what I am trying to accomplish in life and, more importantly, contribute to my goal of educating Jews on their history. I know a K98 is not an AR, but as I always say, people with ARs don't get in cattle cars.
A gun can make the difference between life and death. Guns can be used for good and for bad. I have no doubts the K98 was used to battle the Allied forces and possibly murder Jews 80 years ago. But that's why it's so important to me. To ensure that Jews learn that a gun can make a difference, even if it has a history of evil.
As the line from Shane, the famed Western movie, goes, "A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that."
To Denise and my friends at Pioneer Arms LLC, I humbly thank you for this amazing gift and for helping me accomplish my mission.
Lastly, as a thank you to Pioneer Arms LLC, use promo code "Princess10" to get 10% off your purchase.