
MAG Stress Test

Yehuda Remer

MAG Stress Test

THIS BLOG IS WRITTEN AS A GUEST BLOG BY AMMO TO GO.   As a gun owner, you know how important it is to have reliable firearm components. The magazine is a critical component, as it feeds ammunition into the chamber. But what about the spring? Does it lose its elasticity over time or become damaged when you load the magazine? Ammo To Go set out to answer these questions with their mag spring torture test. The team spent almost a year loading and unloading 13 different mags, including Magpul PMAGs, ETS Glock 17 mags, and USGI AR-15 mags. They subjected samples...

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Don't Ignore What Matthew McConaughey Said!

Yehuda Remer

Don't Ignore What Matthew McConaughey Said!

Actor Matthew McConaughey is in the spotlight this week after giving a performance on behalf of the Biden administration.  Standing in front of the press, McConaughey called for more gun control.  He called to restrict the rights of American citizens.  Of course, the gun grabbers of the country praised him, with one pundit saying it was the most important speech an actor has ever given.  At the same time, many of those that oppose gun control brushed it off, pointing out that the actor is just that, an actor.  Who cares what he has to say because he should stick...

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Fenix Ammunition Rises Against Antisemitism!

Yehuda Remer Blogs

Fenix Ammunition Rises Against Antisemitism!

Working in an industry where many of the individuals and companies are good people is reassuring. While there is a healthy competition in the firearms industry, most of the time, people have each other’s back. What is great about that are those moments when your hard work pays off and companies recognize the work you have done. However, recognition is one thing. Having a company throw their support behind you, well, that is a whole different ballgame.   Many of you reading this know that I created a brand called The Pew Pew Jew.  The focus behind my brand is to educate Americans...

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REVIEW: The Mantis Blackbeard

Yehuda Remer

REVIEW: The Mantis Blackbeard

So, I got my hands on a Mantis Blackbeard and man is it cool.  I have the Mantis X that I use for dry fire practice at home and it’s great for pistols.  But now, I get to have fun with my AR platform firearms (pistol and rifle) and dry fire from home as well.  The installation is super easy.  Replace your actual BCG and charging handle with the one-piece Blackbeard.  Then insert the magazine that comes with the Blackbeard which is the battery. Voila! You're ready to fire! Now, I’m not sure how many trigger presses you will get...

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Advancing The Gun Rights Message Through Children's Education

Yehuda Remer

Advancing The Gun Rights Message Through Children's Education

A dictator and one of his citizens were sitting at a bar the day.   The citizen asked the dictator:  What happened to freedom of speech in this country?  The dictator responded: Freedom of speech has always been guaranteed in this country. It is freedom after speech, which we can’t guarantee.   If you walked up to anyone in the street and asked them if they loved freedom, they would likely say yes.  I don’t know anyone that would say “You know what, freedom is appalling.  We should ban it.”   The freedoms that we as Americans cherish are under attack by a government...

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